And have a chance to win back your holiday 

Please note that we are closed on weekdays.

We are happy to welcome you on Saturdays and/or Sundays from 10:00 to 17:00.

Theme park entertainment

A day at Slagharen is not complete without Randy, Rosie and the Red Bandits! So come and visit them during these fun activities. Meet Randy & Rosie during their Meet & Greet and visit their show in the Music Hall in the afternoon. Don't forget to join the Red Bandits family during their training at the Skytower!

  • Park opening

    The fun starts before you even step inside! Witness the gates being opened and enjoy a warm welcome from Randy & Rosie.

  • Meet & Greet with Randy & Rosie

    Randy & Rosie can't wait to meet you! Come to the Meet & Greet, have your picture taken together and go give them a big hug.

  • Randy & Rosie Dance Show

    Gather around the stage in Fountain Square! Randy & Rosie have put on their favourite Wild West music and are ready to dance with you!

  • Randy & Rosie Show

    Randy & Rosie perform there show in the Music Hall! Come and enjoy.

  • Red Bandit Training

    The Red Bandits are always looking for new members for their gang. Join the training and get ready to become a real bandit.

  • Red Bandits Mini Dance Party

    The Red Bandits have a very important hobby, dancing! Learn the best moves and listen to the funkiest hit during this party!

  • Herfstvakantie Slagharen


    Randy & Rosie went all out for a joyous farewell. Come to the fountain square and admire this beautiful parade.

  • Kerstvakantie Slagharen

    Want to know where and when you can experience the most fun? Check out the entertainment programme and get ready for a day full of adventure!

Did you know?

That Randy & Rosie have their own mailbox? You can find it at the mill! Here you can throw in a nice letter, beautiful drawing or cool craft. Don't forget to put your name and address on it because who knows, you might see a card appear on your doormat soon.